Safety Signs and Symbols used in Industries

Industrial Safety signs: Warning sign - Warning sign a sign giving warning of hazard or danger Overhead load - Overhead load There material handling going by Crain overhead Caution - Caution There is obstacle in the way Flammable material The material flammable. Direction signs - Direction signs Used for route direction Raised platform or height restriction - Emergency fire exit - Emergency fire exit First-aid facility - First-aid facility Fire extinguisher - Fire extinguisher Different types of fire classes and their prevention: Class A Fires - Class A Fires Fire involving combustible material like wood, paper, cloth, rubber, plastic requiring the heat absorbing effects of water, water solutions. Class B Fires - Class B Fires This type of fire involves flammable or combustible liquids greases, petroleum products and' similar materials for extinction, a blanketing effect is essential. Class C Fires - Class C Fires Which involves the flammable gases, substan...