Detail of Electric Shock

 Electric Shock

Reasons for Getting Electric Shocks.

The human failure in handling the electrical components or repairing the distribution system without switching off the supply, the ultimate effect of electric shock on human body  may be death. 

Electric shock may result in:

 Fibrillation of heart i.e. damaging the heart to small pieces causing the stopping of breathing.

Stopping of breathing action due to blockage in the nervous system causing respiration difficulties.

 Local high heating or burning of the body due to sparking. 

Death of a person.

First cause is dangerous and may put to death of person. Due to cause second and third  there is a possibility of rescuing a person.

When an electric shock by human, the current passes through the body.

Strength of current passing through the body may result as shown below  

Current and shock effect

1 mA.  -  Perceptible,No-pains.

1-4 mA -  Tolerable, Not painful,Can be sensed.

4-15 mA - Medium but painful, but no-loss on muscular control.

15-20 mA - Painful, muscular control of adjacent muscles lost.

20-50 mA -  Severe muscular contraction, breathing becomes difficult.

50 mA-100 mA - May result in ventricular fibrillation. May result in death.

100 to 200 mA - Heart stops, instant death

Above 200 mA - Severe burns, Sever chest muscles clamp-down, Heart stops,Sudden death.

 Severity of Shock

"Do not touch to any Electrical application with a wet body". 

Severity of Shock also depends on :

Frequency of current : Less frequency the shock is more severe.

 Path taken by the current through the body:

 If path is not through chest and heart then survival is possible

But if the path is through chest/heart then it is dangerous.

 Duration of contact with electric installation:

More time duration contact is dangerous.

Person should be departed from the contact of machine immediately with a insulated thing.

 Area of contact :

More contact area more is the risk.

Pressure :

More pressure of the body part with leaked m/c dangerous is the shock.

Physical condition of a person.

How much current in mA/sec is passed in the body.


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